BRKcdr11 : Company Fuck – 100% Solid Gold Fucking – Album – CDr & free download


ENFIN… après plusieurs mois… Le premier album de Company Fuck, simplement intitulé « 100% Solid Gold Fucking ». L’album sort en plusieurs formats le 31 Juillet 2014:
Finally… After a long time in the making… Company Fuck‘s first full-length album « 100% Solid Gold Fucking » is coming out on July 31, 2014 in three formats:

Téléchargement gratuit / Free Download : ICI / HERE

CDR- Gold Record Edition : CDR Gold ‘effet vinyl’ dans son écrin doré.
Gold ‘vinyl’ CD in golden cover

frais de port compris/ shipping included


Mega-Fucking-Edition limitée-et-Extra-Fucking- Edition Gold : CDR Gold, cadre disque d’or et une poupée noise Company Fuck unique!!! (édition limitée à 5 ex.)
Gold CDR, Framed gold CD, plus a unique Company Fuck noise-making doll! (limited edition of 5)
Commandes directement sur le site de Company Fuck :
Orders directly from Company Fuck’s website:

01 – Invitation To Fuck
02 – Analchemy (feat. Maxibacon)
03 – Original Fake Music Criminal
04 – 100 Songs Aerocrunked In Overdrive (feat. Digital Thunder & Computer Truck)
05 – A Line Describing My Dick (feat. Anklepants, Foxdye & Santisima Virgen Maria)
06 – Penis Is An Old Dance Craze (feat.Foxdye & Santisima Virgen Maria)
07 – Noise Noise Noise (feat. Ralph Brown & Ghettoscraper)
08 – Newcastle Hardcore Megamix
09 – Clicks And Hits
10 – 2SXY4U
11 – Kraga My Eyes Off Of You (feat. Borovik Eralash)
12 – Say Poo Say Pee


Quelques liens pour suivre Company Fuck & BRK
Company Fuck:,
Facebook – Company Fuck:
Facebook – BRK :
& 1 article sur Company Fuck sur Noisey : ici / here
et une chronique par Benjamin Diersten LA MANGOUSTE : ici

Un autre article en Anglais:
Self-described ‘Noise Eccentric’, all around mega-freak and the bastard lovechild of Carl W. Stalling and Don Rickles, Company Fuck presents the feel-bad album of the summer « 100% Solid Gold Fucking », now available in free MP3, cheap CDr, or (and this is a first in the history of music) a really expensive doll format.

Australian immigrant Company Fuck has been dazzling and confusing audiences with his one-man-VS-the-world bizarro mix of Low Brow Plunderphonics, Digital Turntablism and High Brow Musical Parody for many a year. A blend which, combined with various garish onesie suits, has made breakcore purists cry and aroused many a wide-eyed girl from that small town you also used to be from. Maybe you saw him sing to a baby in an Italian street? Maybe you saw him play an unprecedented All-Scooter mix in some sleazy Berlin nightclub. It wasn’t a dream.

« 100% Solid Gold Fucking » is a synesthetic, satirical and cartoonish musical swamp for people who hate ‘Girl Talk’, or at least for those not making nearly as much cold hard greenback. Family Feeding Music this ain’t. The literal sound of pop eating itself, or a snake devouring its own arse… Forever.

It’s just a matter of time before Lady Gaga steals all of this, and you lucky people got here first. But who will fight for the rights of Company Fuck? Rumors that Weird Al rushed his album to completion cannot be confirmed at this time, but one thing’s for sure, the Anthem for the Summer of Hate will certainly be « Noise Noise Noise » and not some Miley Cyrus remix by Moby. Why can’t you get that through your head?


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